
What Are the Must-Knows of AED?

An automated external defibrillator (AED) is a portable device that non-professionals can use to revive patients who are experiencing cardiac arrest and take advantage of the “golden first 4 minutes” of emergency time. AEDs are important because sudden cardiac death occasionally happens due to the increased stress of modern life, work, and school, making the AED purchase more necessary. A professional AED firm, Mindray, will outline some factors to consider when using an AED today.

Some misunderstandings to clear up

AEDs are not the same as large-scale defibrillators and differ in three ways.

First, while only medical specialists can use large-scale defibrillators, AEDs can be used by both untrained ordinary people and professionals in the medical field.

Second, although defibrillators can only be used in hospital wards, operating rooms, examination rooms, ambulances, and clinics, AEDs can be used in various locations.

Finally, although defibrillators require medical experts to decide whether to discharge and the amount of energy based on changes in the patient’s ECG, AEDs may automatically evaluate the patient’s heart rate, determine whether to discharge, and automatically pick the energy.

How to perform first-aid with the use of AED?

If a person is discovered suffering cardiac arrest, first check their status. If the person is unconscious, unresponsive, or not breathing on his own, call the emergency number immediately, start performing CPR on the person, and simultaneously find someone to get the nearby AED equipment, then perform first-aid following the instruction on the AED.

It has been demonstrated that the success rate of first aid for cardiac arrest patients can be greatly increased using high-quality, user-friendly, revolutionary AED devices by Mindray. Visit their website to learn more.

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