Menopause is said to have occurred when a full year has passed since one day after the end of the last flow of menstrual blood. The date of menopause can’t be determined until a year later. Since the menopause symptoms are generally happens
Menopause is said to have occurred when a full year has passed since one day after the end of the last flow of menstrual blood. The date of menopause can’t be determined until a year later. Since the menopause symptoms are generally happening during the years leading up to that last period, the symptoms are often referred to as menopause. The symptoms are most often the appearance of hot flashes. Women who have been healthy and in control of their bodies suddenly are hit by a rapid increase in body temperature for no reason, followed by a racing heart and profuse sweating.
Menopause often lasts for several years. During this period, reproductive hormones gradually decrease. The period of menopause is also known as perimenopause or the change of life. The seriousness of the symptoms will vary from woman to woman.
The typical symptom associated with menopause is the hot flash. Women also have episodes of racing heartbeats. The woman may have migraines. Painful joints and muscle pain can be common. Activities may be curtailed due to the severity of the symptoms.
Hormone reduction causes some very noticeable symptoms in the genital and urinary areas. Irritated and dry tissue is one example. The membranes of the vulva, vagina, and cervix are thinned, sometimes measurably. The tissues may bleed. There may be a discharge that is watery. Many women experience urination that increases in frequency and in urgency. A significant number of women experience incontinence during this period.
Women may choose their treatment plan according to the number and significance of the symptoms. Hormone replacement is an option for women who experience symptoms that interfere with their ability to get the activities of daily living completed. Other women choose natural measures to get through the menopause years. Just choosing loose and comfortable clothing made of natural fibers such as cotton is one way to deal with hot flashes. Layers of clothing that can be removed to relieve temperature extremes are one way of dealing with sudden temperature increases.
An herbal remedy that helps to relieve hot flashes and other symptoms of menopause is black cohosh. The herb helps to boost the thermostat sensitivity so that there are no longer false positive readings on the outside temperature. When the body temperature goes up rapidly, the natural body reaction is to speed up the heart rate and perspire. Herbs such as black cohosh help to prevent that.
Hormonal replacement therapy is the strongest treatment plan for menopause symptoms. It also is the most likely to have side effects. Most women choose to use a less aggressive course for treating the symptoms.